Friday, 8 January 2016

How to declutter your pad?

Hi everyone,
I am back after a LONG break from my Newsletter 'Simple Living & Lifestyle Musings', which I shall have them transferred to this site soon. Having been through a helluva roller coaster ride since our last encounter, I decided to share my fresh perspectives on the subject of simplicity and minimalism once again, starting today, here in this blog with better content and I invite you to join me on this journey of a mindful life of experience. 

As we are 9 days into the new year (yes already!), and Spring cleaning is approaching at full speed, I'd like to quickly touch on the topic of decluttering your home, suggesting ways to make your pad clutter-free without much drama. Are you ready?

Rather than tackling your home in one go (which is not realistically possible), give yourself a time frame (say 15-30 minutes a day) or deal with just one area at a time. Start with the easiest and maybe the smallest zone to build momentum. As you go through the clutter, have a trash bag or carton box handy where you can ruthlessly dump items which you haven't used or remember having. You can always go back afterwards for reviewing (which I don't recommend) as these items could be donated or given away. I don't advocate throwing away items which end up at the landfill and I do believe whatever you trash could be someone else's treasure. Make sure you find a place for each item you decided to keep during the process of decluttering and that you return the item to its place every time you finish with it.

I am a bit of a freak when it comes to organising and tidiness. I like clean surfaces and knowing where everything is which is totally do-able when you make a habit of it. As I don't get that many snail mail except for promotional leaflets and catalogues, I have almost unsubscribed everything to reduce paper waste and getting my inbox to zero email at the end of the day is so so satisfying. Instead of cleaning the pots and pans after meals, I do it while waiting for the food to be cooked. Another way to beat procrastination is to finish small jobs as you encounter them throughout the day. Take the trash out when the bin is full, put your laundry into the washer, wipe your dining table and kitchen top after meals. Put your extra shampoo and moisturiser in the cabinet instead of leaving them on the shower caddy. (I don't recommend buying toiletries in bulk in the first place but then again it is hard to resist the temptation of a discounted bundle or items on sale).

Personally, 'a place for everything and everything in its place' is my mantra to stay organised. Let me know what you do to maintain a clutter-free home!

1 comment:

  1. Very wise suggestions Rosa! Definitely very useful. The difficult part is to be consistent, I will follow your example.
